フェリス女学院は、メアリー・E.キダーによる1870 年の創立以来のパイオニア精神を尊び、キリスト教信仰に基づく “For Others” を教育の中心に据える。
Mission Statement of Ferris
Ferris places "For Others" in the core of education based on the Christian faith, respecting the pioneer spirit initiated by Mary E. Kidder, the founder of this school in 1870.
Ferris, through providing education which treasures true freedom and selfdiscipline, develops students with pride and respect for others to strive for world peace and a prosperous society by interacting with people from various backgrounds.
Ferris, through continuous reformation, responds to the changes in the social environment with flexibility, and as an academic institution, aspires to earn recognition from the public across generations.